Michael Savage: "Stop the Coming Civil War" - Mark Drobnick book review/ essay
41. More law school anecdotes.
{Editor note: first time published! (Byron Looper's letter to Mark Drobnick)}
P.O. Box 8247
Fernández Juncos Sta.
San Juan, P.R. 00910
Dear Mark,
I am the American, who is attending law school @ Inter. I am about to sue the school because these guys are trying to flunk me out - discrimination, etc. Please call me. My lawyers and I want to find out how they treated you.
Please call me @ home @ 268 - 0255. I am always up 'til @ 1:00 a.m. or you leave a message during the day @ 250 - 0488. I would prefer if you call me @ home @ night.
Look forward to hearing from you. I met you last May at Inter American. I am from Atlanta.
Byron Looper
o. Looper's adventure gone astray.
Next, consider one Mr. Byron Looper: yeah, I know, that sounds like Rod Serling's introduction to "Twilight Zone", and, how apropos! That's how law school can seem, sometimes (at least
until you get to the third year, when "they bore you to death").
Byron, it turns out, has a strangely interesting, and, very tangled bio in Wikipedia.
But, I am astounded by its omissions. Sometimes I wonder if it's the same individual. I knew him as being from Atlanta, Georgia. He finally got into big trouble in adjacent
Attached, you may inspect two documents from Byron (image nos. 101 & 142 - 157). These originated when he studied at "the Inter" while we both lived near the school. His hand-written
note to me is especially haunting, because of what eventually happened to him, as one event led to the next.
I'm sure his mom and pop wished for the best when they packed him off from Atlanta, to San Juan, to become a lawyer. The first time I met him he was enthusing about how the latino
environment would be a great tool for him to better understand all the nuances of the then nascent NAFTA.
So, he had arrived in San Juan to become a reputable lawyer, obtaining justice for his clients and society. That was the plan.
But, not under Fernós' watch, you can be sure of that. No way "el Americano" was going to meet with any success at his school.
{101} - Byron Looper's request to Mark Drobnick
{142} Looper versus Fernós, Interamerican U. Law School, et al. - complaint; Byron sues for four million ($4,000,000.00) dollars; in U.S. Federal District Court
{143} Jurisdiction basis
{144} Parties defendant include my professor's half-brother (Fernós) and my prof Bennvenutti
{145} Complete absence of "affirmative action" for white anglos by minority-governed and composed school
{146} Like Byron, I also attended their summer program ("cursillos") and obtained a 95% average, unfortunately meaningless, when promotion time came
{147} Fernós characteristically is dramatically emphatic, and, harbors soft spot for Spanish language; he's something of a "borders, language, & culture defender", Latino style (although
Dominican and Cuban immigrants seem to meet with his approval, anyway). It's the Anglos he finds troublesome. Still resentful of 1898 American invasion (way before my or my dad's
{148} Another of my profs too: De Jesús (in my experience, she emphasized that all was to be in Spanish: okay by me) ---
Plaintiff Looper elected President, & thereby suffers faculty resentment & anger ---
"Gringo go Home"
{149} Flip-flop = every time PPD (commonwealth) party in power, law of the land reverts to "Spanish only". PPD is somewhat the analog of stateside's Democrats.
Even more of my profs: Gorín & Colón García
{150} Bad apples
{151} §§ f., g., & l. --- been there, done that --- you bet it's depressing
§ i. --- translation: you're in the wrong place with the wrong people
{152} Lack of "Due process" aka fairness. You bet that's a fundamental shortcoming.
The "puppet master" casts a blind eye.
{153} It's sickening.
{154} Tortious, un-Constitutional, & breach of contract
{155} Actual & punitive damages; injunctive relief sought
{156} Freeze the Inter's pipeline which provides them American monies
{157} Georgia resident demands San Juan federal court justice
p. Your attitude determines your altitude.
(i.) "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
Now, it seems to me, one way that Byron unwittingly worked against himself there, "shot himself in the foot", figuratively, was with his "colonial" approach. He saw English speaking as an inalienable right to be foisted upon the local natives, "the heathen savages" to coin an out-moded, missionary term. That was an immediate friction point between him and local administrators, the status quo.
In contrast was my attitude. I always regarded Puerto Rico as a "picnic". I lavished in the Spanish idiom and found the ambiance a most convenient tool for further soaking up the language
aspect of local culture. I was coming off a trip to the Iberian peninsula, Europe, from the previous year, and, I viewed this simply as a further extension of my itinerant studies and agenda.
In objective reality, there were parts of Puerto Rico then, that constituted genuine, culture shock. Europe was much more Americanized, in many ways, than this place. Europe, therefore, was much easier to adapt oneself to (speaking for Americans).
Contrastedly, in Puerto Rico, how law and order was relaxed, man and woman's role in society, the relatively augmented freedom (for good and bad), the challenging, local economy, all of these were
significantly different from how manifested, where I had been brought up (Chicago suburbs). To an American northerner this constituted an abrupt transition. For Byron, a conservative from
the deep South, it must have felt ever much more extremely disruptive.
(ii.) "Right to Work" state = "Right to Fire".
Talking about the economy, here is what I can tell you, from personal experience, about "right to work" jurisdictions. Puerto Rico observes this doctrine as organic law, manifestly recorded in
its commonwealth constitution (of year 1952). Here's how Puerto Rico's "right to work" plays out.
Wages, across the board, are one-third lower than in the continental U.S., for all trades and professions, in general; ditto as to entry level, minimum wage type jobs. Unions, to protect the
working man/ woman, are non-existent (as we know them stateside). Unemployment, officially as indexed by the local government, is in the high teens.
(iii.) Mexicans in Spanish-speaking Puerto Rico?
If you ever wondered why so many Mexicans enter into the lower 48 states, Puerto Rico gives you a very revealing insight and answer. It has nothing to do with the cultural aspect, language.
That many Mexicans don't speak English is irrelevant. Note that while the predominant language of Puerto Rico is Spanish, a Mexican presence on the island is invisible. It does not
That is, Mexicans are driven by the economy and wages, and "borders". They flock across the USA's southwest frontier for money. How they may be able to communicate with the new world
around them once they arrive here, is a secondary consideration.
Were it otherwise, you'd see a bunch of Mexicans in Puerto Rico. But, there's scarcity of jobs and money for newcomers to the island of enchantment, so, emigrating to Puerto Rico, is a
non-alternative, an useless non-solution. And, for those lacking proper documentation and paperwork, getting thru an airport to land in an USA jurisdiction, is an impossibility.
Back to "right to work", my experience reveals that those are code words. What they signify, in practice, is, "right to fire". Puerto Rico is a buyer's market for employers seeking to
exploit competent, trained labor at bargain prices. And, the labor force has virtually no bargaining power, as unions are not available to protect and advocate.
(iv.) WI & IL weigh in, on right to work.
So, when I see politicians in adjacent Wisconsin these days (Spring 2015), push for "right to work" status for the businesses and economy of their state, I feel for those who will be working there.
Higher unemployment, less job security, lower wages, and lessened bargaining power are how "right to work" status shall impact workers in Wisconsin.
On the other hand, I'm sure that big business and Wisconsin politicians agree, it's a boon to employers. Who has got clout in the legislature is the ultimate determiner of the alternative
By the way, pro-union Illinois, with its Democratic legislature, recently voted down "right to work". Had I been one of the Congressmen in Springfield voting, likewise, I would have
q. Tragic downfall.
Back to Mr. Looper, in the attachments, besides the personal letter he petitioned me with, you can see the complete complaint he filed in federal court against the school. He sued the
Interamerican law school for four million dollars ($4,000,000.00).
Then, supervening circumstances came about, including the unexpected demise of his father. Byron headed back home, and, the case was abandoned.
Wikipedia picks up the subsequent journey thru life of Byron as he won election to county, political office, back here in the states. He had already been a successfully elected, student politician at the San Juan law school. At school he had additionally put together a slate of candidates to run with.
But, somehow along the line, Byron's values got horribly skewed. This resulted in him being condemned and imprisoned for visiting grave tragedy upon a later, political opponent with whom he
became maddeningly unreconciled. The far reachingness of Byron's frustration was so much, that he ultimately became unhinged.
The dispute bothering Byron was in losing to his political opponent in a statewide election, in another one of those endless series of election campaigns. These are part and parcel of the professional politician/ perennial candidate's job description. Fast-forward to dramatic outcome: End of story --- Byron dies in prison at age 48, serving a life sentence for homicide!
What's in between, are the grim details of his ignominious trajectory, which I shall leave for the reader to investigate and fathom. That journalism can be easily accessed by way of what's
published elsewhere.
r. Choose your gurus carefully.
(i.) Sleepless nights.
And, following this thread, I am not saying that there's cause and effect, that some of these schools literally drive the kids, crazy. But, the universities most definitely have been breeding
grounds for their disciples' thinking, both present and future, in its germination and fruition.
From personal experience, I am certain that many of my student cohorts have suffered worse than sleepless nights, thanks to the unbridled cruelty, at hands of individuals in whom they had placed
their professional futures. All that wasted time and what it signifies is a very hollow feeling to experience, as anyone who has passed thru it can attest to.
At the very least, school officials could follow the Golden Rule. Treat others as you would want to be treated. What would hurt for instructors at schools of higher education to treat
their students in a more civilized manner? For example, these institutions could have treated individuals like Byron, more humanely.
(ii.) Hinckley & Knight.
Now, let me make a couple more references. Again, I shall go back to Texas Tech.
I have two names for you. [They are] John Hinckley and Bobby Knight.
Yeah, maybe you did not know that President Reagan's very dangerous nemesis is an ex-student of Lubbock's Texas Tech University. Never mind about the young man's overtures to actress Jodie
Foster at Yale, Hinckley got some of his ideas from where I went, leading up to his becoming homicidally threatening to our national leaders.
[These are] Interesting, and curious [coincidences]. That's as much as I know about Hinckley. And, as I am not the type to obsess over pulp periodicals glamorizing criminal rogues, that's
all I'll have to say here.
Next, Mr. Knight, the former, TTU's Red Raiders coach, is also widely known. He is infamous for his ultra-intense management style of pre-professional, college basketball players. I
think is the conventional wisdom, that he is too much.
Let me put it like this, bottom line, about the second suspect. I would never have my kids playing basketball for that guy. Not gonna happen. There would have to be another way.
42. Law auto-bio., summed up.
So, these have been several chapters from my law auto-biography. It is my hope that the content gives the reader better insight into who's running your country. After all, it is these
schools from where our government, at all levels, is mostly launched from.
At the very least, I think you will have garnered that lawyers are driven, intelligent, and human. They have their foibles and limitations, are interesting folk, and, put their pants on, one leg at a time, like everyone else.
By training and apprenticeship, they are always seeking that facilitating loophole, the easiest way to achieve a legitimate, useful result. Part of the lawyer's artistry comes into play in
exercising just that right degree of zealousness in realizing one's permissible goal.
43. Solyndra, (MS) page 106, ¶1.
Now, I do not know anything more specific about Solyndra than that it stands for green energy. That is, it is a venture to provide the nation with energy, other than that already derived from
fossil fuels.
MS implies that there's involved corruption, cooking of the books, mis-management, and bad faith. But, the repercussions for that, if true, certainly do not come to rest at BHO's door.
If there's malfeasance of that corporation, that needs to be investigated. And, where there's guilt, then those parties have got to be held accountable. I think everyone would be in
agreement about this.
But BHO is doing just fine in pushing a green energy agenda. Without getting into the substance of why that's good, let's park our analysis at the stage of "process".
BHO is simply doing what politicians who have power over the purse strings are elected to do. One of their primary functions is to provide adequate tax and subsidy incentives (money) to areas
and policies they desire to see flourish.
That's their job. That is all he has done.
If the electorate dislikes a politician's public policy decisions and agenda, his good faith vision for their well being, then they have recourse to the ballot box. They may vote for someone else next election whose agenda they find more desirable, and, put that substitute into office.
End of discussion.
44. Examples of problem with one-sidedness.
a. Fracking cons & pros.
Here, getting back to my football analogy about having to "punt", if I was sitting as an appeals judge, look what happens with the issue of fracking. In MS' very extensive notes which
constitute his source material throughout the entire book, I find absent, not surprisingly, The Nation magazine. This though, is explicable, as I already observed that MS' book (and approach,
in general) is "monolithic". And, The Nation is most definitely carved from much different stone.
About a half dozen years ago is when I first heard about fracking. On video and from the Nation, they were decrying how horrible it is. The environmental damage was too costly for it to
be feasible, they reported. In particular, they warned of contaminated tap water flowing into the kitchen sink, made so flammable by the shale mining technique, that it could easily be lit on
fire, even as it flowed from the kitchen, fresh water faucet!
More recently, someone as unexpected as musician John Lennon's son, Sean, along with his mom, were lobbying against fracking. I believe that was in upstate New York.
But, what does Sean know about it? Maybe a lot. Maybe. Contrast, that MS is quite opposite in his viewpoint.
MS lauds how ecologically sound is fracking. He specifies that it uses up very, very little water, in comparison to other mining techniques. It leaves a very small "carbon footprint".
So, if I was the judge here deciding fracking, after hearing both sides, I'd still be perplexed! I would need further, objective, scientific testimony, in order to make an informed opinion.
But, who's paying for these experts? Would what I'd hear, be non-partisan? Again, MS gives one doubt.
Fracking, good. p. 200, ¶3 (clean); p. 201, ¶2 (water sparing).
So, for me to judge fracking, I would have to be confident in my experts' opinions. How would I go about ascertaining their reliability? Certainly it could be done, but the entire travail would be no "slam-dunk".
Last minute up-date: making the news as of 19 May 2015 is how highly, Texas state government regards fracking. It imposes a ban upon municipalities banning fracking. That is, the
state capitol has pre-empted local choice in the matter. Austin says the mining technique is a "go", everywhere under its flag, regardless of local worries.
b. Global warming, amicus curiae sought.
As said before: Global warming is a hoax, rife with bad science, per MS. Scientific data is corrupted. It is unreliable, at least in this connection.
Again, how would I, as a judge, make an informed decision, if Savage was the only information source I had access to?
45. Subsidy is deleterious for whom?
Federal subsidies destroy the human work ethic. P. 40, ¶4. What about corporations? Why are subsidies okay for them?
My analysis: the material differences are of level and quality. Subsidizing corporations, as they are for-profit ventures, by definition, puts numerous people to work obtaining a living
wage. That can't be faulted.
Whereas, for individuals and families, subsidy merely serves as an amelioration, a "band-aid" to prevent homelessness and starvation. At this level, it provides pure subsistence.
So, as corporate subsidies create jobs, this can be argued as being good strategy, while alternatively, diverted to families and individuals, it can be characterized as being bad. Now, that
doesn't take away from FEMA or the Red Cross as disaster rescuers. Merely it is to say that as being normal course of policy implementation, it could be argued that helping business has more
long-term benefits than merely providing meals to its potential employees.
"Give them a fish pole and teach them to fish, rather than an endless provision of prepared, fish dinners," is the idea. The implication is that a nation of subsidized corporations rises to a
higher economic level than one solely composed of subsidized families.
46. Corrupt statism.
And, as being archetypes of cronyism, corrupt statism,...signifying lowest economic stability and performance,...which now infects Federal government, MS enumerates the 5 worst offenders. ¶5,
p. 113. Included are:
1. Illinois (from where this report is being written);
2. New Jersey (perennial, recidivist, political "bad boy", in showing up on these kinds of lists); and,
3. Massachusetts (which figures into the "Perry" and "Salem" reviews, supra & infra, parts 1 & 3 of this review trilogy).
47. Al Franken's close election.
Sensational assertion by MS: Al Franken's, U.S. Senate victory, rigged by Dems. p. 125, ¶6. The implication is that Franken acceded to becoming Minnesota's U.S. Senator,
Cf. Notes !!! --- There is no Note, cf. Notes 17 & 18 of the "Medicine" chapter (6). There's nothing in between.
So, what's the deal, MS? Looks like you pulled this one out of thin air. Looks like you pulled a rabbit out of a hat.
Because the election count was close, within half a thousand votes in a statewide election, necessarily means that the result was fraudulent? That's a non sequitur, my friends. Or as
Gershwin's Mr. Sportin' Life sings in Porgy and Bess, "it ain't necessarily so."
What's the evidence to substantiate MS' charge? I, for one, would like to know.
Now, in MS' defense, you have to be impressed by the expansiveness of the quantity of sources which he does rely upon, to support nearly everything else discussed in his book. That, indeed, is
a very good thing. Here's where his formal training in writing a successful, university, doctoral thesis comes into play.
The reassuring fact is that for "Stop Civil War", MS details thirty-six (36) pages of Notes. In abundance, they spell out the news sources he utilizes for nearly all of the other assertions,
arguments, & themes he puts forth.
48. Polemics=part of our political constitution.
MHD: Polemics, chronically, is inherent in the set-up of our political system. Even with a clear-cut, election result, e.g. 52 to 48, massive, vociferous dissent is inevitable. In this
example, 48% of the electorate were in disagreement with the coronated victor acceding to the disputed-about office.
The consequent, ensuing debate and dissent is unavoidable. Steel yourself to its manifestation. As sure as the sun shall rise in the east, it shall make itself
Parallel: 1860 USA & today. There will always be human conflict as long as we compete with one another. "Keep up with the Joneses," here comes to pass on a macro level. What foreign country(ies) do we challenge today?
49. World-wide government canard.
My perspective: re world-wide, unified government. Who'd really want this, as for any of us human beings walking this entire planet, when you seriously get down to thinking about it?
Especially, I am referring to the would-be administrators. Who, in their right mind, would want to be the individual entity, directing the entire world, from one, unique place?
For example, how many of you readers have ever managed a restaurant? I am one who has. Who among us would want to manage every one of them?
Would you like to check bread freshness, count money, manage security, cater to clientele, cook, trouble-shoot, schedule employees, order inventory, safety watch, be responsible for hygiene, maintain
the peace, handle public relations, etc., etc.? And, to do this for a thousand restaurants, or 100 thousand, or in half a million? Doesn't that sound like a very, very, very, bad
Or reading this, who has children? Again, I do. Maybe you enjoy raising two or five or 14, or some other conscionable number.
But, how would you like to do it for the entire world? Feed, shelter, provide for in other ways, educate, counsel, nurture, etc., etc.?
In our country alone reside over 300 million people. Would you like to get warmed-up here first, then go international? Again, doesn't it sound like another, impossible, ludicrous,
ill-advised idea?
So, when people make the attack against someone's politics, trying to cast it as synonymous with "new world order", as if this portends to be the lead-in to one, world-wide government, how is that even feasible? What are the complainers doing besides introducing a red herring, to attack whoever is currently administering the executive branch? They cannot be serious about the words they are using to denounce with?
Sometimes, I have to tune out the incessant ranting of the disenchanted. Otherwise, it's straight to the aspirin bottle for me, to quell the ensuing headache thus caused. Their arguing,
like the law students I studied with, is without limit. It is endless.
Seriously, what in tarnation would world-wide, unified, single government realistically signify, anyway? Does "concern" about this make any sense at all?
50. One, indeed feasible, world-wide government, possible manifestation.
Well yes, I am inclined to say, that there's need for concern, when we discuss money and money transfers: electronic banking. ATM debit cards, on a massive scale, co-ordinated in effort,
instantly moving great amounts of cash is something to be dealt with. The "robot" trading which MS regards as worrisome, when he reports that most stock market trading is done this way, must be
Now, the scope of MS' numbers need to be reduced somewhat, as I imagine there's a significant amount of robot trading which is done by the small investor. That is, when a trader puts in a buy
or sell order at a certain price, which must be met to trigger the transaction, then this too would be "robot". It may take hours, or weeks for the trade to happen. It would all depend
when the threshold, dollar amount was met, if met at all.
Notwithstanding, this electronic dynamic, I think, indeed does have the potential to move entire nations, and nation blocs, unlike anything we have been accustomed to living with previously.
a. "There's nothing wrong with the economy".
For example, during late Reagan, there was the "Black Monday" debacle when the stock market fell into a "black hole". "There's nothing wrong with the economy," he tentatively assured us.
But, this was whistling in the dark, being an effort to instill confidence mostly, without all the necessary, foundational data readily available.
As fine a professional actor as he was, his face gave him away. He looked shell-shocked.
He mouthed a statement that it was all consequence of the computer age and mis-managed, trading software. It was nothing "real", but only an artifice of smoke and mirrors. But, his body
language told you something else.
Our President, top official in the government, did not know who was at the bottom of it, how it had come about, nor very much about what was going on. He might as well have been a band member
playing upon the deck of the sinking Titanic, had our national, "ship of state" not soon thereafter, regained its financial buoyancy.
b. Overflowing with intellectuals.
I remember the day well. I was attending law school at Champaign, Illinois. Let me tell you, across that whole town overflowing with intellectuals, there was not a Wall Street Journal
newspaper available for purchase, from any street vendor, anywhere to be found. They were sold out completely, seemingly, in the blink of an eye.
That financial crisis was a first in my lifetime. But, now we have it as precedent. So, take care.
c. Reality check.
To show you how bad the furor was, here's an example of how the investment community reacted. I have a long-time friend I took high school honors English with, Gary.
This guy's very sharp, a wiz with numbers. His profession is stockbroker.
Something, that in practice virtually never happens, is that he contacted me, spontaneously, of his own instigation, in a professional capacity. The purpose was to dialog with me, an
investor, to see how I felt, and, to reassure me that everything in the Wall Street/ Broad Street world was going okay.
You could detect the palpable anxiety in his voice. He was a relay of what the moment's psychology was. Lots of clients were panicking.
In that phone conversation, I think it was me who ended up doing most of the reassuring,...of him! Thereby, he came away from the chat more calmed down.
He was reaching out to the world from his insular niche for a reality check. What is real? What is imagined?
My preoccupation being held in check had a lot to do with the following. It's simply that I felt diversified. I did not have "everything" sunk into the stock market. I didn't keep
all my eggs in one basket.
51. WWI outbreak linked to Fed creation/ Brainstorm idea/ university thesis topic.
Please note this juxtaposition of events: U.S. Federal Reserve system was created in year 1913. The following year, 1914, saw the beginning of World War I.
Was the creation of this centralized administrator of the U.S.'s monetary might, the facilitating utensil which made possible, ignition of the First World War?
Perhaps this is a radical and novel idea. But, am I at least permitted to ask the question?
Running a war is costly. The combatants' commanders need rapid, efficient, and ample access to generous funding. Having centralized banking as a resource could only inure to the militants' benefit. A multi-disciplinary historian with financial acumen would make a great detective in being able to shed new light here.
Heads up, scholars at large! Here is a promising, worthwhile "Revisionist History" opportunity, if ever there was.
Thesis writing, graduate-degree candidates, and, professional historians, here would be world-prize grist with which to establish a new, advanced understanding of our geopolitics. Here would be
one of those revelations of such magnitude as to be a biggest discovery in decades.
52. CLOSE.
It is a radio SHOW, that MS runs. True, it's primarily his book I'm reviewing here, but MS is multi-media, so naturally, one aspect of his presentations lends itself to the illuminating of
Do you recall early, comedian Gilbert Gottfried? It did not matter what he said. It was funny always because of how he delivered it. He SCREAMED,...everything.
"Give me a pastrami sandwich and hold the mayo," declared in his distinctive, shrill, impatient, and perpetually exasperated manner; that, plus coupled with his face contorted, as if everything
pained him, was funny, in and of itself. His delivery style was hilarious, from the get-go, even before you had time to process the content of what was being communicated.
So, Chief Exec. BHO chronically upsets Savage. His predecessor, Bush II, used to frustrate MS by being "inscrutable".
Savage has had Gov. Jerry Brown on the show; and, Clint Eastwood refuses the invitation. Those are probably wise decisions by the last two gentlemen, both times.
Brown is a politician; Eastwood (albeit, ex-mayor) is a film-maker. The bottom line of each would be to maximize popularity in his respective field. Thereby, as they react to MS, they are
so realizing.
Really, Michael Savage does not need to put guests on his show. Even when he reads from the day's newspapers, whichever stories he elects to comment upon, it comes across as interesting, and
usually entertaining.
The dynamic reminds me of columnist Hedda Hopper's assessment of Jack Benny: "He is such a gifted comedian. He could open to any page of the telephone directory, recite from it, and, his
delivery would come out funny!"
I guess MS has that gift too, in his own unique way. No matter what your political bent, he routinely is attention-grabbing in getting us to listen to his comments about current news
Only, as I've implied repeatedly throughout this essay, you just make sure to include variety with your intake of this show by seeking out other opinions, so you retain your impartiality. That
is a vital, if underestimated, technique in making our democracy work effectively. [It is best] That we all be reasoning individuals capable of well-informed decision making.
So, make your choices from reason as much as emotion. Utilize the instincts you depend upon to act, derived from varied and broad experience.
Make sure to strive, that coalesce what you hear, both from your head, and, your gut. Or, you'll be stymied and end up "punting" too. Worse yet, you may be misled into deciding wrongly.
Stymied into a step sideways, in general, would seem to be less harmful than an ill-advised pass made backwards.
What's the relevance of the MS book and show? (Did you end up reading the whole book, or merely excerpts? Do you listen to his whole spiel, or only parts?)
Okay, he does get worked up, and it is somewhat contagious to the listener. He can get things mightily stirred up. But, then what?
My wife, who is interested in both micro- and macro-economics, asks me: "Yeah right, now that you have heard all that, what are you going to do with the information? How is it useful to
[These are] Excellent questions! She is definitely pragmatic. That is another thing I like about her, very much.
--- THE END ---
{ posted: 21 May 2015 }
Mark Drobnick
Waukegan, Illinois USA
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