(I.) Yeah, I still lack a DRUMMER. But, let's see what I am able to come up with! "I'm thinkin' on it."
Same goes for guitarist, bass player, & vocal input---they would be helpful too. Especially, for live gigs; hey like, essential.
(II.) AUDITIONS anyone? I'm looking for, preferably in Chicagoland or Texas-DFW. (Proximity & travel consideration factors [in],
i.e. convenience. Ask for zip code.)
E-mail: Mark_H_Drobnick@yahoo.com
(III.) Disclaimer: Incidentally, this is a song. That's all. Its scope is of only finite reach.
No way does it necessarily reflect my personal, political perspectives. Nor, is it intended to politically influence. "You Can't Always Get What You Want".
Be it known. I've got others out there proclaiming the popular opposition view, as well. ¡No problema!
[Is] Solely offered here, to enjoy and rock to. For what it's worth!
(IV.) Engineering: Rhythm Guitar -- Strat, PUPs position 1.
Lead Guitar solo -- Tele direct line in, thru Fulltone OCD. G & L ceramic PUP's.
Bass guitar -- Carvin.
Vocal -- bathtub assist from Kohler.
(V.) Musician(s): Mark Drobnick (multi-tracked). Me, myself, and I. (Not, "I Me Mine"!)
(VI.) Posted: 20 May 2019
(VII.) P.S.: Johnny Rivers very much likes "Secret Agent Man" (my source material). He made it his encore at Ravinia, Sept.
Was evident, Johnny is a distinctive voice, adept musical entertainer, and one heck of a guitar player.
New lyrics written by Mark Drobnick © 2016 --- All rights reserved.
As parodied from 1960's hit TV series, "Secret Agent", starring Patrick McGoohan.
Sung to tune of "Secret Agent Man", Johnny Rivers interpretation; original composers (P.F. Sloan & Steve Barri).
Genre: 1) Rock/ pop; 2) Indie; 3) Theatre; 4) Film & TV; 5) Jazz
----- VERSE 1 -----
There's a man who is a money changer.
In travel scope, he's a V-I-P arranger.
Self funds to nomination. He crusades for job creation.
Loyalty pledge, we're goin' to win again.
----- CHORUS 1 -----
Realty agent man. Realty agent man.
He uncripples what went wrong, and makes America great again.
----- VERSE 2 -----
Miss Universe, a pageant you may find.
Melania at the helm, don't pay no mind.
Make the grade or you are fired. Build the wall for which you're hired.
Loyalty pledge, we're goin' to win again.
----- CHORUS 2 -----
Realty agent man. Realty agent man.
You uncripple what went wrong, and make America great again.
----- CHORUS 1 -----
----- VERSE 3 -----
Mar-A-Lago fêted in the sun day.
Then betting Taj Mahal, non-alcohol day.
Casino makes more sense, than caucus evidence.
Loyalty pledge, we're goin' to win again.
----- CHORUS 2 -----
(posted 15 July 2016)
cc: Donald Trump
Mark Drobnick
Waukegan, Illinois USA
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