"Are wolves trusted neighbors?"
Last Thursday morning, February, 21st, 2013, at 10:30 a.m., two wolves intruded into our yard as if it belonged to them. There we were, standing outside, some sixty feet away. I was totally surprised and taken aback. This is a first for me. Are they dangerous?
This is in south Waukegan, next to the Greenbelt behind Belvidere Mall. I've heard what sound like coyotes howling at night up in Lyons woods. But, this is the first time I've ever been faced with the feral dogs, up close and personal.
They ran through our place, in single file, as if chasing after a rabbit. They came from the northwest direction of the forest, across a neighbor's yard, crossing the street, then into our front yard, making a bee line, next disappearing behind the house, as, in hot pursuit of something.
I ask: are our pets, children, and selves safe near these animals? I would like some feedback from the appropriate, governmental authority which consults with biologists for expert opinion. Do these animals need to be more strictly controlled?
Waukegan has a leash ordinance for domestic pets, but these guys run wild. While I enjoy the presence of other wild life like deer, raccoon, and opossum, these aggressive carnivores I mention give one pause. The wolves appeared to be working as a team, robust, agile, rapid, and with temerity. Their size appeared around 75 to 90 pounds each, well fed and healthy.
We want to feel safe in our community. Who in local government can ensure it is happening?
Mark Drobnick, City Clerk candidate
E-mail: Mark_H_Drobnick@yahoo.com
Tel.: (224) 532 - 0456
2523 Poplar Street, Waukegan, IL 60087
Dating from year 2004:
Desde el año 2004:
Among latest additions: YouTube
including WAUKEGAN song, search (box to left of magnifying glass icon), Mark Drobnick, for all songs
Entre las últimas publicaciones: YouTube
incluye a la canción WAUKEGAN, haga Ud. búsqueda (a través del encasillado horizontal acompañado a la derecha, por el dibujo lupa), Mark Drobnick, para todas canciones
Google: Mark Drobnick blog
clicking "more" button at page bottom, accesses previous reports.
cliqueando a botón "more" {más}, al fondo de la página, para accesar a los reportes anteriores {algunos en español}.
Google: Mark Drobnick blogspot
for instant solution to world's traffic jams
para resolución instantánea a los tapones del tráfico mundial
Google: e.g., Mark Drobnick Ringo Starr 2005
for miscellaneous music reports posted from USA, Canadian, and Great British web-sites.
Google: por ejemplo, Mark Drobnick Ringo Starr 2005
para reportes misceláneos sobre conciertos, publicados en los paises EE.UU., Cánada, y Gran Bretaña, por medio de los sitios red electrónica.
more artists covered: John Prine, Paul Thorn, Ringo Starr 2006,
Peter Noone, Herman's Hermits, Buckinghams,
James Brown, Grass Roots, Gordon Lightfoot,
1964 The Tribute, Stockwood 2006, Stockwood 2007
más artistas cubiertos: John Prine, y etc. (cotéjese arriba a continuación)
More Bibliography:
Letters, op-eds, reports & ads, since year 2004, in newspapers: Lake County News-Sun (N-S), Daily Herald (DH) {NW'ly Chicagoland}, and Lake County Journal (LCJ)-{all Illinois}
Más bibliografía:
Cartas, opiniones dirigidas al redactor, reportes y anuncios, desde año 2004, por los periódicos: N-S, DH, y LCJ {todos de Illinois} (cotéjese arriba a continuación)
Mark Drobnick
Waukegan, Illinois USA
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